
宋晓燕, 雷建设. 2022. 2013年内蒙古通辽MS5.3地震震源区地壳速度结构与孕震环境. 地球物理学报, 65(10): 3912-3929, doi: 10.6038/cjg2022Q0090
引用本文: 宋晓燕, 雷建设. 2022. 2013年内蒙古通辽MS5.3地震震源区地壳速度结构与孕震环境. 地球物理学报, 65(10): 3912-3929, doi: 10.6038/cjg2022Q0090
SONG XiaoYan, LEI JianShe. 2022. Crustal velocity structure and seismogenic environments in the source areas of the 2013 Tongliao, Inner Mongolia, MS5.3 earthquake. Chinese Journal of Geophysics (in Chinese), 65(10): 3912-3929, doi: 10.6038/cjg2022Q0090
Citation: SONG XiaoYan, LEI JianShe. 2022. Crustal velocity structure and seismogenic environments in the source areas of the 2013 Tongliao, Inner Mongolia, MS5.3 earthquake. Chinese Journal of Geophysics (in Chinese), 65(10): 3912-3929, doi: 10.6038/cjg2022Q0090


  • 基金项目:



    宋晓燕, 女, 1987年生, 博士研究生, 主要从事背景噪声层析成像方面的研究.E-mail: dzjsxy1987@163.com

    通讯作者: 雷建设, 男, 1969年生, 博士, 研究员, 主要从事地震波层析成像理论与应用研究.E-mail: jshlei_cj@hotmail.com
  • 中图分类号: P315

Crustal velocity structure and seismogenic environments in the source areas of the 2013 Tongliao, Inner Mongolia, MS5.3 earthquake

More Information
  • 为了解2013年内蒙古通辽MS5.3地震震源区地壳速度结构与孕震环境, 本研究基于"中国地震科学台阵——华北地区东部"29个流动地震台站自2017年1月至2019年4月期间记录的连续波形数据, 应用面波直接反演背景噪声成像方法, 获得通辽地震震源区与周边地区地壳三维S波速度结构.结果显示, 通辽MS5.3地震震源区与周边地区地壳S波速度结构呈现明显横向不均匀性.浅层S波速度结构分布特征与地表地质构造密切相关: 盆地内侧呈明显低速异常, 可能反映了沉积层结构, 而大兴安岭下方则呈现明显高速异常, 可能反映了造山带较为致密的古生代结晶基底岩.在中下地壳, 震源区低速异常向西南方向延展至南北重力梯度带.通辽MS5.3地震与该区域速度结构存在密切关系, 地震震中位于低速异常边缘, 表明该低速异常可能代表深部流体作用降低断层面有效正应力从而触发地震.结合前人全球的和区域尺度的地震层析成像结果展示上地幔存在明显低波速异常与地幔转换带存在明显高波速异常, 推测通辽MS5.3地震的发生可能与太平洋板块深俯冲至我国东北地区下方地幔转换带内形成"大地幔楔"中结构与动力学密切相关.在"大地幔楔"结构中, 由于地幔转换带中滞留板块脱水作用和地幔角流作用, 容易形成湿热物质上涌, 进而引起松辽盆地西南部岩石圈物质拆沉和携带流体的地幔热湿物质上涌至地壳后作用于断裂带、降低了断层面有效正应力, 从而导致了中强度地震的发生.

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  • 图 1 


    Figure 1. 

    Sketch map of regional geological tectonics in the study region

    图 2 


    Figure 2. 

    Ambient noise cross-correlation waveforms of all seismic stations

    图 3 

    质量控制后最终用于反演的5~25 s周期相速度频散曲线(黑线)

    Figure 3. 

    The selected phase velocity dispersions (black lines) of 5~25 s periods used in the final inversion after quality controls

    图 4 

    5、15、20和25 s周期相速度射线路径分布图

    Figure 4. 

    Ray paths of phase velocity at 5, 15, 20 and 25 s periods

    图 5 

    基于最终反演获得的三维速度模型通过平均获得一维速度模型(图 6a)的5个代表性周期的相速度敏感核测试结果

    Figure 5. 

    Test results of phase velocity sensitivity kernels at five representative periods based on the 1-D velocity model (Fig. 6a) by averaging velocities from our resulting 3-D velocity model

    图 6 

    (a) S波初始模型(红线)和最终模型(蓝线)对比图.(b) 不同周期Rayleigh波相速度平均观测频散曲线(黑色实线)、初始模型拟合的频散曲线(红色虚线)和最终模型拟合的频散曲线(蓝色虚线)对比图

    Figure 6. 

    (a) Comparison between the initial S-wave velocity model (red line) and final velocity model (blue line). (b) Comparison between observed and averaged dispersion curves (solid black line), synthetic dispersion curves from initial model (dashed red line) and final model (dashed blue line) for Rayleigh wave phase velocities at different periods

    图 7 


    Figure 7. 

    The average DWS values for inverting nodes at different depths

    图 8 


    Figure 8. 

    Results of the checkerboard resolution tests at different depths with a velocity anomaly size of 0.375°×0.375° in the horizontal directions

    图 9 


    Figure 9. 

    Results of the checkerboard resolution tests at different depths with a velocity anomaly size of 0.75°×0.375° in the horizontal directions

    图 10 


    Figure 10. 

    Vertical cross-section of the results of a checkerboard resolution test with a velocity anomaly size of 0.75°×0.375°

    图 11 


    Figure 11. 

    Results of a checkerboard resolution test at different depths with a velocity anomaly size of 0.75°×0.75° in the horizontal directions

    图 12 

    (a) 面波均方根走时残差随反演迭代次数的变化. (b)反演前(虚线)和反演后(实线)的频散曲线走时残差分布图

    Figure 12. 

    (a) Variations of the surface-wave travel-time RMS residuals with iterations. (b) Comparison between travel-time residual histograms before (dashed line) and after (solid line) inversion

    图 13 


    Figure 13. 

    Tomographic images in map view

    图 14 


    Figure 14. 

    Three vertical cross-sections of velocity structures passing through the earthquake hypocenter of the 2013 Tongliao MS5.3 earthquake

    图 15 

    本研究结果(a)与前人(Song and Lei, 2022)研究结果(b)的对比其中的符号与图 1相同.

    Figure 15. 

    Comparison between the present (a) and previous (Song and Lei, 2022) (b) tomographic results The symbol is the same as that in Fig. 1.


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