
刘少林, 杨顶辉, 徐锡伟, 李小凡, 申文豪, 刘有山. 2021. 模拟地震波传播的三维逐元并行谱元法. 地球物理学报, 64(3): 993-1005, doi: 10.6038/cjg2021O0405
引用本文: 刘少林, 杨顶辉, 徐锡伟, 李小凡, 申文豪, 刘有山. 2021. 模拟地震波传播的三维逐元并行谱元法. 地球物理学报, 64(3): 993-1005, doi: 10.6038/cjg2021O0405
LIU ShaoLin, YANG DingHui, XU XiWei, LI XiaoFan, SHEN WenHao, LIU YouShan. 2021. Three-dimensional element-by-element parallel spectral-element method for seismic wave modeling. Chinese Journal of Geophysics (in Chinese), 64(3): 993-1005, doi: 10.6038/cjg2021O0405
Citation: LIU ShaoLin, YANG DingHui, XU XiWei, LI XiaoFan, SHEN WenHao, LIU YouShan. 2021. Three-dimensional element-by-element parallel spectral-element method for seismic wave modeling. Chinese Journal of Geophysics (in Chinese), 64(3): 993-1005, doi: 10.6038/cjg2021O0405


  • 基金项目:



    刘少林, 应急管理部国家自然灾害防治研究院研究员, 主要从事地震波正反演研究.E-mail: shaolinliu88@163.com

    通讯作者: 杨顶辉, 清华大学数学科学系教授, 从事计算地球物理研究.E-mail: ydh@tsinghua.edu.cn
  • 中图分类号: P315

Three-dimensional element-by-element parallel spectral-element method for seismic wave modeling

More Information
  • 高效地震波场正演模拟对于复杂模型中地震波传播与成像研究至关重要.本文在谱元法原理框架内,对已有逐元谱元法改进,提出一种新的逐元并行谱元法求解三维地震波运动方程,并得到地震波场.逐元并行谱元法的核心思想在于在单元上进行质量矩阵与解向量的乘积运算,并将此运算平均分配至每一个CPU计算核心,此处理有利提升谱元法的并行计算效率.同时,根据Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre (GLL)数值积分点与插值点重合的特点,将稠密单元刚度矩阵的存储转化成单元雅克比矩阵行列式的值及其逆的存储,大幅减少谱元法计算内存开销.此外,在模型边界上利用逐元并行谱元法求解二阶位移形式完美匹配层(PML)吸收边界条件,消除边界截断而引入的虚假反射.通过逐元并行谱元法得到的数值解与解析解对比,以及实际地震波场模拟,数值结果证实了逐元并行谱元法用于地震波场模拟的高效性.

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  • 图 1 


    Figure 1. 

    Schematic showing the processes of seismic wave modeling using element-by-element parallel spectral-element method

    图 2 


    Figure 2. 

    3D homogeneous model for the benchmark test of EBE-SEM

    图 3 


    Figure 3. 

    Synthetic waveforms at stations R1 (a, c, e) and R2 (b, d, f) computed by EBE-SEM (black lines) and analytical method (red lines)

    图 4 


    Figure 4. 

    The parallel efficiency of the EBE-SEM

    图 5 


    Figure 5. 

    Topography of the area around the epicenter of 2013 Lushan MW6.6 earthquake

    图 6 


    Figure 6. 

    Mesh for the model of the area around the 2013 Lushan Earthquake

    图 7 

    (a) 矩张量释放率随时间变化; (b) 震源时间函数

    Figure 7. 

    (a) Moment rate function; (b) Source time function

    图 8 


    Figure 8. 

    Waveform comparison

    图 9 


    Figure 9. 

    Wavefield snapshots of the 2013 Lushan Earthquake.


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