Numerical simulation of the wavefield in a viscous fluid-saturated two-phase VTI medium based on the constant-Q viscoelastic constitutive relation with a fractional temporal derivative
Abstract:Fractional differential operators have the trait of describing historical dependence and global correlation.In this paper, we use this trait to describe the viscoelastic characteristics of a two-phase solid matrix.Based on the Kjartansson constant-Q model theory, the anisotropic constitutive relation of the viscoelastic solid skeleton with fractional temporal derivative is combined with the two-phase medium theory, and the rheological constitutive relation is introduced to describe the viscous mechanical behavior of the pore fluid.A new VTI model of a vicious fluid-saturated two-phase VTI medium based on the constant-Q viscoelastic constitutive relation with a fractional temporal derivative is proposed, and the corresponding wavefield propagation equation is deduced in the time domain.In numerical simulation, the finite difference method on a high-order staggered grid is used for the integer order derivative, and the short time memory center difference algorithm is employed to discretize the fractional order temporal derivative.Following the equations, the wavefield in this medium model is simulated for different phase boundaries, different Q values, and a two-layer structure, and then the wavefield features are analyzed.The results of numerical modeling indicate that it is feasible to introduce the constant-Q viscoelastic solid anisotropic constitutive relation containing a fractional temporal derivative and the viscous constitutive relation of the pore fluid into the two-phase medium theory, and the combination of both the relations can better reflect the viscoelastic characteristics of the underground medium.These results are of importance for further understanding the propagation mechanism in a viscoelastic anisotropic porosity medium, and provide a theoretical basis for inversion and reconstruction of underground oil and gas reservoirs and structures.
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